NOT UPDATED MUCH YET - MOVING IT OVER TO A NEW SITE SO CHECK BACK! Pictures and some links may not work yet.
Here is a list of my various collections.....Some of which I
share with my husband. If you collect the same things, or just want to comment,
I'd love to hear from you.
We moved in Summer 2013 to a 2 bedroom condo in Hawaii, so we gave away or threw out a lot of things, and put a lot in storage. In the 8 years we've lived here in Arkansas, we haven't done much about displaying the collectibles. Now we're moving to NY, so we don't know yet how much room we'll have. Stay tuned!
Descriptive Links below, or use this handy dropdown List! |
*Bears - mostly
*Business cards
- All different kinds! A very large collection.
Hotel/Motel card keys - Here are some photos of my small collection
*Swizzle sticks - the decorative ones that have the name of the
bar/hotel/restaurant on them.
Books -
and all sorts.
I got rid of most of my paperbacks when I moved in 2013, but I still collect
hardbacks and love to read ANY type of book. I use my Kindle a lot, too.
Records/Tapes/CD's/MP3's -
All sorts of music, from musicals to different groups and
singers, to comedy to t.v. stuff to choral to karaoke. I have many records
(which I keep partly in an old console TV and partly in my entertainment
center), tapes (which I mostly keep in little wooden drawers-under the curtain
in the pictures here), and cd's (in the cd holder).
I got rid of many of these when we moved, but I have most of them on MP3,
Shot glasses - We collect ones from different states and
places we've been to.
*Kirk and Picard figures
- from Star Trek.
Leia and Luke figures from Star Wars. See
picture of me as Leia!
Photos - lots of
photo albums and scrapbooks
*Elvis stuff - a small collection, including a
*Beatles stuff
- Mostly Paul McCartney dolls, pictures, etc. but a fair amount of John, George,
and general Beatles items such as stamps, figures, pictures, etc.
plates - Collect ones from different states, provinces, and countries.
caps - Not only major and minor league, caps from different places. My
husband got rid of a lot of his caps when we moved.
*TV Guides - ones
from different areas.
*Newspapers -
ones from different areas.
- The kind with the name of the business, etc. on them.
*Buttons - All
different kinds (not sewing ones!)
*Political buttons,
Beer bottlecaps -
decorative ones.
Foreign beer bottles
and cans
*Foreign beer coasters
- started this one summer when I went to Germany. (They can be seen in the
pictures above)
- any kind.
*Small soaps
- the kind you find in hotels, airlines, trains, etc.
*Foreign coins and
Souvenir glasses
- collected from different places we've been.
Mugs - mostly from places we've been.
New pics -->
*Small piano knickknacks
*Refrigerator magnets
- all kinds.
- mostly stuffed
Opera Digest--here are the issues I'm missing: 2/14/84, 3/13/84,
8/28/84, 10/23/84, 9/23/86, 10/6/86, 10/20/86, 11/17/86, 12/1/86,
12/15/86, 1/27/87, 2/24/87 THROUGH 5/19/87, 7/14/87, 7/28/87, 8/12/87,
8/26/87, 9/9/87, 11/3/87, 8/21/89, 4/28/92, 2/16/93 THROUGH 4/27/93,
9/28/93, 10/12/93, 11/9/93 THROUGH 12/21/93, 2/1/94, 3/15/94, 3/27/01,
5/22/01, 6/26/01, 7/10/01, 7/17/01, 11/13/01, 12/25/01, 2/26/02 (some of the
more recent ones may turn up somewhere...). Please contact me if you have
any of these for sale or trade! I have only a few to trade, though. I don't know
if this list is still accurate or not.
*Russell Crowe/Gladiator Merchandise--I have a small collection.
I gave most of this away when we moved to another collector.
Opera memorabilia -- I've collected a ton of stuff from the net and when I
went to the General Hospital and Port Charles Fan Luncheons.
Jeeves Stuff--I collect a bunch of stuff from when I worked there...
Las Vegas $1 poker chips from the casinos.
and Mindy Collectibles that I bought off Ebay
Small seashell collection These are ones I've collected or friends
have given me, for the most part.
and dogs I ended up with a bunch of these; I don't actively collect
them, though.
Assorted TV/Movie collectibles--I have a small collection of various things
I've picked up.
souvenirs--I have two shelves of misc. stuff we've picked up on our travels.
Misc. sports souvenirs--some baseballs, cards, pennants, etc. my husband has
A lot of this was given away when we moved.
Web Sites about Collecting
Links for bears, swizzle sticks, etc. can be found on my other pages linked above.
General Collecting and Antiques
Swappers and Collectors Everything for collectors! Search engines, 1000’s sites
& collectors listed, newsgroups, message board... Add your Free listings!
AnotherUniverse Beanies, scifi collectibles, and much more
Arts and Crafts Bulletin Boards Dolls, bears, all sorts of things
Collector's Super Mall - The largest online source of antiques and collectibles
Cool and Collected Collectibles
Heather Holmberg's
The Internet Antique Shop For buying antiques and collectibles online
Yahoo Directory
Etsy For home made arts and crafts - it has many collectibles
steve's collectibles - Howdy Doody & Much More!!
Beanie Babies and other Toys
etoys Great site for buying toys
ebay auction Great site for collectibles and other stuff they auction
Assorted Specific Collectibles
ChipGuide For casino chip collectors
DeShawn Marie Handcrafted Soaps Huge Magnet Store online!
Hotel and Shampoo Collectors of America
I Inherited a Stamp Collection - Now What?
Vinlyville--records and more
Updated 07/28/23 .